
Dieting 2023-12-30

In The Twenty Conglin Essentials Chan master Baizhang Dazhi noted that: “The disease takes dieting as the herb decoction.” Buddhist practice advocates “not eat after noontime and even one-meal-a-day”. If this way of eating is used properly, it not only won’t result in malnutrition but could coordinate intestines and stomach to ease the burden of internal organs. Of course, the most easily accepted diet is seven eight full. It means eat eight points for every meal, which also perfectly accords with modern health concept. Adults should pay more attention to dieting and fighting binge eating and the like. (From Shaolin Encyclopedia)

To Do No Evil, to Do Only Good2023-12-28

We do things basically meaning to do things from daily life, which is to do no evil, to do only good as well. We often says “the six roots of sensations are pure and clean”, means that we are required to purify and clean our daily life. As long as our mental formation in daily life is pure and clean, then our mind is naturally pure and clean along with it. Only our mental formation and mind are pure and clean internally and externally, then our heart will be peaceful and frank, without a tie in the world. Hui-neng said in Altar Sutra: “Without any obsessions with the materiality of the universe, the peace of a practitioner’s mind can never be shattered.” A person can reach peaceful and frank in his or her heart, without a tie in the world, which is Chan and meditation. So we need to study Buddhism, practice and change old habits of the secular world, starting from our daily life and from “doing no evil and doing only good”. This can ensure our achievements of studying Buddhism and is the right way and great way of Buddhism study in fact. (From Words of Chan by Shi Yongxin)

Be Common in Mind2023-12-16

Now many people believe the statement of the Dharma Ending Period and think that Buddhist ethics slump in modern society. In fact, each era’s Buddhist ethics are about the same. Patriarch Bodhidharma taught the “Four Mental Formations”, accounting for exaggerated Buddhist atmosphere at that time; Xuan Zang, a monk in the Tang Dynasty,journeyed to India to seek scriptures, which declared the confusion of Buddhist thought at that time; meditation master Huaihai in Baizhang Mount made monastic rules for Buddhists, which indicated that great monasteries (conglin) had no manners and so on. Browsing through historical records, we can find out that there is always the criticism of the existing society. After reading the Biographies of Eminent Monks and Dharma Lanterns, we would think that eminent monks in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty converged. In fact, this was an illusion. The Eminent Monks and Dharma Lamps gathered eminent monks over hundreds of years together. There are no several eminent monks per decade according to average number. we always have great expectations of our own time, which is not a good thing, particularly bad for practitioners. Unreasonable expectation itself is a delusion. We should be common in mind, treating our time and our own cultivation. (From Words of Chan by Shi Yongxin)

The Difference between Wushu and Kungfu2023-12-16

The Difference between Wushu and Kungfu


The so called enlightenment (Chinese: 覺(jué)悟) means release or liberation. Surpass yourself, boxing forms and its theories and don’t cling to your heart but own purity of heart and mind which means pure intention with no worries. Don’t be bound by boxing routines and don’t be contained by methods of boxing. Don’t seek for best trick. Because when skills and mind attain the realm, then all tricks are supreme. We need to do no worries, no scare, broad and level, nature and the unity of body and mind. (From Words of Chan by Shi Yongxin)

Shaolin Kungfu and the?Concept of 2023-11-16

As the technology system, Shaolin Kungfu specifically is embodied as Wushu routine. The routine is made up of a collection of actions. Shaolin Kungfu’s design of action and compound routines are built on the body and ancient Chinese medical knowledge, in line with the rules of human movement. Action and routine stress association of activity and inertia, the balance between Yin and Yang, combing toughness with softness, combining mind and body, etc. One of the most famous is the six-coincidence theory: the coincidence of hand and foot, the coincidence of elbow and knee, the coincidence of shoulder and hip, the coincidence of heart and mind, the coincidence of mind and energy as well as the coincidence of energy and force. The concept of Heaven and Man’s harmonious unity considers the action of the most natural human body is the most reasonable. Shaolin Kungfu has been tested for so long a time, continues to innovate and develop as well as ?get?rid?of anything other than what was absolutely essential. All routines handed down are very precious essence which makes the potential of human body function highly, becoming the most optimized mode of human movement. Football is the same as Shaolin Kungfu, also limb movement. I feel that if football develops to a certain maturity level, stylized action should also appear, reaching the state of Heaven and Man’s harmonious unity. (From Words of Chan by Shi Yongxin)

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