
Shaolin Chan Medicine’s Secret Recipe2022-12-02

There were originally more than one hundred secret recipes curing for various diseases in the Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau. More than one thousand prescriptions and millions of works had been accumulated through practice, collection and sort by Buddhist doctors in the Republic of China period. Shaolin Chan medicine has benefited numerous people in the long history of Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau, but there are also many factors to make affairs of Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau interrupted frequently due to war disasters, human calamity and so on.


Characteristics of Shaolin Chan Medicine2022-12-02

Kungfu therapy: Ba Duan Jin(eight trigrams boxing), Chan boxing, Jin boxing and other Chan regimens guide Kungfu therapy; Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing recover human original simplicity, know the essence of the design of human body deeply and start up source of life.


Four Practices2022-11-23

The base of Chan Buddhism is also the base of Buddhism, monks’ daily practice and “four practices” that Bodhidharma taught us at the beginning. “Four practices” are not esoteric Buddhist ethics, but informal basic principles to learn Buddhism. The contents of four practices are familiar to believers because people have been doing so in thousands of years.Chan Buddhism will not be Chan Buddhism and Buddhism is not Buddhism if breaking away from “four practices”. Therefore Bodhidharma preached the supreme dharma-gate of Chan Buddhism that the mind is Buddha, which is on the basic principles of “four practices”. “Four practices” emphasize the importance of “practices” in learning Buddhism. “Practices” are here, Budddhism is here and Chan Buddhism is here. Chan Buddhism is not canhuatou and then reaching enlightenment and even attaining Buddhahood. There is no cheap like so. Therefore if we like Chan Buddhism gongan and hope it could benefit our life, we will not only stay on appreciation, but also need know about the basic contents of Buddhism. Only if you know well about the basic contents of Buddhism, you will be be able to know the truth why Chan Buddhism is Chan Buddhism, know methods of canhuatou as well as know how gongan is going on. (From Chan of Words by Shi Yongxin)


The Attitude towards Life of Buddhism2022-11-23

Buddhism aims not to talk about emptiness for emptiness. Conversely, we can even say that Buddhism speaks emptiness to show its large role in “Non-emptiness” of all things in the world. Buddhism takes an objective approach eliminating discrimination for Self-nature of emptiness of all things in the world. This is what we often say the true wisdom. That is also a gongan of Chan origin saying “mountains are still mountains and water still water”, having a higher realm than “mountains are no longer mountains and water no longer water”. Ancient meditation masters’ realization, liberation and large comfortable relief, were just the true wisdom gained. Once getting the true wisdom, we shall gain awareness of all things in the world and get positive feelings. Whether conducting ourselves or handling affairs is as clear as noonday rather than spend our lives blindly under our own desire. So called “establishing undertakings in the world, with sentiments of coming into the world” means nether blindly talking about emptiness nor persistent in what we have. So the attitude towards life of Buddhism is always positive and uplifting. The sutra says “a human body is difficult to attain”, cherishing the real life very much. If Buddhism were negative, then it would not be necessary for Buddha to go through rain and wind, explaining sutra and preaching Buddhist doctrines over forty nine years. (From Words of Chan by Shi Yongxin)


The Secular Life and Enlightenment2022-11-15

We know that there will be no attachment after life and death of the secular world. But we can’t give ourselves up as hopeless, thinking that anyhow life is so and do what we want to do, which is not practicable. In our words, it is “emptiness-grasping”. The Buddhist doctrine says, a human body is difficult to attain. Though the secular life does not mean anything to us, decades of people’s whole life are very precious. We can live another meaningful life of being different from the secular life through practicing Buddhism and cultivating ourselves. That is the enlightenment. Some may say: “Is Buddha also human?” “Yes. Buddha is human as well and is one who has enlightened.” So the Buddhist doctrine says sentient beings are Buddhas who haven’t awakened while Buddha is a sentient being who has enlightened. We should never think that one will be able to sit on the lotus throne at the Mahaviro Hall worshiped by thousands of people after enlightenment. It is not so. Sakya still came in the wind and went in the rain, traveling and delivering people with an alms bowl after enlightenment in those days. The person is still the same one but his mental state has changed, becoming clear and peaceful and having no worries at all, full of vigor as well after enlightenment. (From Words of Chan by Shi Yongxin)


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