
Shaolin Chan Medicine’s Secret Recipe

Publish Date:2021-07-24

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There were originally more than one hundred secret recipes curing for various diseases in the Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau. More than one thousand prescriptions and millions of works had been accumulated through practice, collection and sort by Buddhist doctors in the Republic of China period. Shaolin Chan medicine has benefited numerous people in the long history of Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau, but there are also many factors to make affairs of Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau interrupted frequently due to war disasters, human calamity and so on.


To make Chan medicine prescriptions service people and contribute greater to human treatment, Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau has heavily invested on secret prescriptions preparation works, collected and selected a number of secret recipes of Shaolin Chan medicine, and gradually researched and developed some special recipes and patent medicine, spreading outside the temple and benefiting the public based on ancient recipes. Shaolin Temple has started systematically sorting for methods of body building cherished as well as proved recipes cherished and handed down from generation to generation exclusively inside the Shaolin Temple since 1998. a total of 1700 recipes are handed down in the history of Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau. And now there are 1500 recipes sorted out and 250 patches selected.


Since 2011, Shaolin Temple also started hosting the Buddhist medicine forum set every two years, making Buddhist medicine embarking on the academic platform. Experts and scholars gathered in Shaolin Temple to pursuit for the source and explore innovation and development. (From Shaolin Encyclopedia)

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