
“The Opening Ceremony of the Advanced Training Class on 2018 Chinese Buddhism Medicine” is Successfully Held in Shaolin Temple

Publish Date:2021-07-24

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On the morning of March 23, 2018, “The Opening Ceremony of the Advanced Training Class on 2018 Chinese Buddhism Medicine was held solemnly in the Meditation Hall of Shaolin Temple. The Abbot of the Shaolin Temple, the Great Monk Yongxin, the previous chief editor of Guangming Daily Professor Jing Tianlin, Professor Li Liangsong of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Professor Xu Jiangyan of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Dean of Education College Overseas of Henan University of Chinese Medicine Professor Zhou Youlong as well as head of Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau Master Yanlin, Monastic Manager of Shaolin Temple Master Yanchong, etc. participated in the opening ceremony.

The advanced class on Chinese Buddhism Medicine was jointly sponsored by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Shaolin Temple or School of Chinese Classics and Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau. It aims to inherit and carry forward Buddhism Medicine culture and cultivate talents Buddhism Medicine.


Buddhism medicine is a science to be able to heal peoples physical and mental illnesses and an intellectual discipline with great wisdom. Since it was introduced into China for over 2000 years, Buddhism culture and the medical technology has been interacting with traditional Chinese medicine and formed a unique medical system. Researching and inheriting Buddhism medicine has positive significance for carrying forward splendid traditional culture of motherland and enriching the treasure house of Chinese medicine culture.

With the end of solemn and extraordinary Chanting Blessing Prayer, the opening ceremony also began. At the opening ceremony, the Great Monk Yongxin said that Shaolin culture is broad and profound, which is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Since Shaolin Pharmacy Bureau was founded in 1217, the original intention is to practice medicine and benefit sentient beings and service the public, which leaves behind many popular words. Shaolin Temple and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine jointly published Chinese Buddhist Medicine Books to constantly improve the medical system fit for peoples health today and seek happiness for sentient beings. This time Shaolin Temple and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine jointly held the advanced class on Buddhism medicine to make more people know about Buddhist culture and master the methods of Buddhism to save lives.

All guests successively spoke up and approved of the Great Monk Yongxins speech. Buddhism medicine is merciful. Medical skills that Shaolin culture was inherited for over 1500 years were willing to share with the public.

Finally, Master Yanlin spoke that the Great Monk Yongxin vowed to carry forward the Buddhism medicine far and wide, let everyone know about knowledge of Buddhism medicine to protect themselves and people around. This Buddhism medicine class was to make people to know and learn about Buddhism medicine and make everyone contribute to our country and society.

That morning, when “The Opening Ceremony of the Advanced Training Class on 2018 Chinese Buddhism Medicine was satisfactory completed, the Great Monk Yongxin and all guests took a group photo with delight together. (Photos and Writings by Master Yandi, Zou Xiang and Zhang Hailong)


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