
Northern Wei Dynasty (368-534)

Publish Date:2021-07-03

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Another prominent monk coming from Western Regions was Bodhidharma, honored as the primary ancestor of Chan Buddhism by the later generations, travelling among the Songshan Mountains and Luoyang area in around Xiaochang three years (527) of the Northern Wei Dynasty and Datong two years (536) of the Liang Dynasty. The Notes To Luoyang Temples by Yang Xianzhi records that.

The Continuation Eminent Monk Biography by Shi Daoxuan records about Bodhidharma’ s activities: Bodhidharma, got to the territory of the Song Dynasty earlier and later crossed to north in the Wei Dynasty. He preached Chan Buddhism wherever he went. Huike nearly 40 years old met Bodhidharma, worshiped as his teacher. Bodhidharma taught the Lankavatara Sutra and said: I observed the Han region only this sutra can be followed by the benevolent and transcend worldly life.

Bodhidharma and Huike, Master and disciple, ever relied on the mountains, inhabiting in Chan grottoes or Thatched cottages near the Shaoshi Mountain because there might be no temples to live. Maybe the Damo Cave, the Founder Nunnery, the Second-Master Nunnery and other memorial buildings are all outside the Shaolin Temple for historical reasons. Damo died in Datong two years (536) and was buried in Xionger Mountain where Kongxiang Temple was built.

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