
Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589)

Publish Date:2021-07-03

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Eastern-spread of Buddhist dharma had reached its peak in the Southern and Northern Dynasties since Han Dynasty. According to Wei Shou’ s Weishu Shilao Zhi, there were a total of 6478 temples in the Northern Wei Dynasty and more than 77200 monastics in the year of the Taihe period during the reign of Emperor Xiaowen (477) of the Northern Qi Dynasty; more than on hundred temple were build only in the capital, with more than two thousand monastics. The Emperor also received Hu monks in the western regions and built temples for them to propagate the dharma. Then Shaolin Temple was established by the royal family under such a historical background.

Shaolin Temple was built in the year of Taihe period (495) of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Records about Shaolin Temple in the early days in the Huang Tang Songyue Shaolin Si Bei written by Pei Cui in the Tang Dynasty were described full and accurate: Shaolin Temple was built by Emperor Xiaowen in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Buddhist monk Bhadra was ancient Indian...he preached the one and only way and had a high level of the dharma. In the year of the Daohe period, the imperial edict was claimed that Buddhist monk Bhadra took charge of the position here, offered with cassock and supported by the government. Tripitaca dharma master, Bodhiruci and other eminent monks also came here to translate the Buddhist scriptures, which showed some eminent monks attached great importance to Shaolin Temple. And the number of people was attracted for Buddhist dharma reaching several hundred at that time.

Bhadra was a eminent master paying equal attention to Chan and Vinaya schools. His two disciples Sengchou (480 to 560) and Huiguang (487 to 536) carried on his career.


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