
Different Vow but the Same Ultimate Goal Throuth Da Chan Qi

Publish Date:2023-05-16

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Each person who enters the Meditation Hall has a different vow but aims for the same ultimate goal  to completely shed their old self and be reborn in the forty-nine days of Da Chan Qi. This is why we call the Meditation Hall the Great Realization Hall; it is also called the “Buddha Selection Hall”.


Through Da Chan Qi, the monks undergo a major change in their inborn qualities and state of mind. The sense of omnipotence and transcendental joy that they experience cannot be described with words. Just imagine going through forty-nine days (7-days sessions) of contemplating the same Hua Tou (concentration on a topic of contemplation), as if no different from their regular same way of living, and always hearing the sounds made by bells or the discipline staff or other ritual objects. Therefore, after tens of days of meditation, one becomes aware of the omnipotence of a greater spiritual existence and become more at ease with the physical one. (From Shaolin Temple in My Heart)

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