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    Publish Date:2022-03-07

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    1. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is eternal, never give rise to views of death or extinction.  This is the precept of No Killing. 

    2. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is ungraspable, know that one can possess nothing. This  is the precept of No Stealing. 

    3. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is without attachment, desire nothing. This is the precept  of No Sexual Conduct.

    4. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is indescribable, utter no words. This the precept of No  Lying. 

    5. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is pure and clear, never give rise to ignorance. This is  the precept of No Intoxicants. 

    6. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is flawless, speak of no faults. This is the precept of No  Publicizing People’s Faults. 

    7. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is impartial, make no distinction between self and others.  This is the precept of No Bragging And Slandering. 

    8. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  is universal, raise no selfish thought. This is the precept  of No Greed.  

    9. From the profound and wondrous original nature which  has no self, do not mistake the ego as real. This is the  precept of No Anger. 

    10. From the profound and wondrous original nature that  is one-suchness, have no dualistic view of buddha vs.  sentient beings. This is the precept of Not Defaming the  Three Jewels

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