
UK Shaolin Xiu Cultural Centre Celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival

Publish Date:2024-09-20

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Local time September 15th,2024,in order for the oversea practitioners experience the atmosphere of traditional festivals,the UK Shaolin Xiu Cultural centre and the UK Medicine Buddha Foundation jointly held a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration.

Prayer assembly

Put hands together in prayer

The event started at 11 am and ended at 5 pm, with nearly a hundred people participating. By chance, the masters attended this event included the abbot of the Quang Chau Temple (Vietnam) Ven Master Nhuan khai , the abbot of the Dai Giac Temple (Vietnam) Ven Master Quang nghia, the abbot of the Pho Chieu Temple (Sweden) Ven Master Quang An, UK Medicine Buddha Foundation, Ven Master Jing Tong and abbot Ven Master Guang De, and Ven Master Shi Yan Wu from China Songshan Shaolin Temple .

 The scene of activities

At the event, Master Shi Yan Xiu, the founder of the UK Shaolin Xiu Cultural centre, conveyed the blessings of the abbot of China Songshan Shaolin Temple, Ven Master Shi Yong Xin, to the public, encouraging everyone to practice diligently, not only to make progress in Kung Fu, but also to study hard in Chan practice. 

A speech on Buddhism


During the event, Ven Master Jing Tong of the UK Medicine Buddha Foundation compassionately gave instructions to the public, teaching the public the basic essentials of meditation, so that more people can experience the profound charm of meditation.


The event included Buddhist lectures, chanting and praying, lantern making, lion dance and Shaolin Kung Fu demonstrations.

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