
The Ghost Festival of Shaolin Temple in Jiachen Year and Emperor Liang’ s Repentance Dharma Assembly Completed Successfully

Publish Date:2024-08-27

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On August 18, 2024, the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, the Ghost Festival, the 7-day Emperor Liang’ s Repentance in Shaolin Temple in Jiachen Year was completed successfully. On the morning, Buddhists of Shaolin Temple gathered at the Sutra Pavilion, devoutly chanting sutra. Abbot of Shaolin Temple the Grand Monk Shi Yongxin burned incense and presided over the assembly, offering sacrifice. 

At the Ghost Festival assembly, merits of offering the Three Gems is by Buddhist dharma, being transferred to parents’ health and length and releasing souls of ancestors. (Edited by Zou Xiang and photographed by Dong Wenke)

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