
Shaolin Temple Holds “the 40th anniversary of Shorinji Kempo Group’s Pilgrimage” Activities

Publish Date:2020-03-11

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On June 13, 2019, to mark the 40th anniversary of Shorinji Kempo Group’s pilgrimage, Ms. Zong Yougui, daughter of Zong Yougui, represented the Shorinji Kempo Group to lead a delegation of 60 people visiting the ancient monastery of Shaolin Temple, receiving abbot of Shaolin Temple, the great monk Yongxin’s warm welcome and holding the anniversary event for the pilgrimage at the Sutra-Keeping Pavilion.

The 40th anniversary of Shorinji Kempo Group’s pilgrimage activities kicked off at the Sutra-Keeping Pavilion at 9 am. The great monk Yongxin, abbot of Shaolin Temple, Ms. Zong Yougui, representative of Shorinji Kempo Group, Ms. Zhu Dan, deputy secretary general of China-Japan Friendship Association, Ms. Li Li, deputy major of Dengfeng city as well as Shaolin monks, the Japanese delegation and others attended the event.

After burning incense and prayer, the great monk Yongxin explained that Shaolin Temple and Shorinji Kempo Group have a long history of communication with each other. There have been 40 years since Mr. Zong Daochen visited Shaolin Temple in 1979. Mr. Zong Daochen promoted Shaolin Temple’s opening up and the restoration of religious life and exerted a positive influence on the implementation of religious policy. Especially in making the film Shaolin Temple, Mr. Zong Daochen provided significant assistance, making Shaolin Temple get much attention of China or even the whole world. Shoringi Kempo Group has repeatedly aided Shaolin Temple’s restoration and construction, making a great contribution to Shaolin Temple’s development and the protection of historical and cultural heritage. We will cherish this forever. Shaolin Temple and Shorinji Kempo Group also have a deep feeling to each other in cultural exchanges for 40 years, which makes me remember the word Mr. Zong Daochen said: there will be no peace in Asia without peaceful relations between China and Japan; there will be no world peace without peace in Asia.” We should shoulder the responsibility to carry forward traditions, serve as a link between past and future and make unremitting endeavor for permanent peace of both countries China and Japan.

Ms. Zong Yougui said in her speech that the temple was very desolate and had many 
Dilapidated buildings when she came to Shaolin Temple with her father 40 years ago. The great monk Yongxin has been making efforts to make run-down temple return to its heyday of thriving incense in the past four decades, which is a very great thing. She had been intensely attracted by murals on both sides of the Baiyi Hall when seeing them at that time. She still felt as before this time, but Shaolin Temple’s influence has taken place tremendous changes in China or even in the world, which is owed to the great monk Yongxin’s persistent effort and consideration. It was hoped that traditional Shaolin culture could be spread further and wider under the leadership of the great monk Yongxin, and China and Japan relations better and better.

Ms. Zhu Dan, deputy secretary general of China-Japan Friendship Association addressed that President Xi said the foundation of the friendship between Chinese and Japanese peoples revives in folk. The prospects of both countries grasp in peoples. China Songshan Shaolin Temple and Shoriji Kempo Group have a profound tie for a half century and deep feelings, contributing to the development of friendly relations between China and Japan. It was hoped that we both could maintain fine cultural exchanges as unofficial ambassadors of China and Japan.

Ms. Li Li, deputy mayor of Dengfeng city, expressed that under the leadership of Mr. Zong Daochen and Ms. Zong Yougui, Shorinji Kempo Group has been intensified China-Japan friendly exchanges, especially giving back to the ancient monastery positively, endowing Shaolin Temple’s relic restoration many times and the Shaolin hope primary school and makign a large contribution to preservation of cultural relics in Shaolin Temple. In the meantime, the Shorinji Kempo Group promotes and popularizes Shaolin boxing, spreads and carries forward Shaolin culture in Japan and actively guides youth to attend cultural exchanges of both countries, becoming a bridge of friendship linking two countries and making great contributions to the promotion of cultural diffusion and friendship of both countries. Ms. Zong Yougui visited Shaolin Temple again, fully reflecting Shorinji Kempo Group’s true feelings for the ancient monastery of China Songshan Shaolin Temple, which will inject new vitality to deepening exchanges of Shaolin culture between two countries and further promoting the spread and dissemination of Shaolin culture.

Finally, the great monk Yongxin and Ms. Zong Yougui exchanged presents and took group photos to mark the occasion. Then both sides went to the Pagoda Forest planting cherry trees together and praying for China-Japan friendship to be evergreen for generations. (Edited by Zou Xiang, Zhang Hailong and photographed by Master Yanyang, Ren Hongbing)

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